1. THE SEARCH is a recent play you’ve submitted to The Baltimore Playwrights Festival. What is it about?
It’s about two sisters. One’s dead and the other’s living. One’s applying for the top job at a fancy all girl high school and the other’s getting in the way.
2. What do you find particularly exciting about theater, and how did you try to incorporate that excitement into THE SEARCH?
My favorite part of going to the theater is the anticipation. It’s that moment just before the lights go down and the action starts. At that moment – anything is possible. From there, the most exciting shows to me deliver a memorable evening where the playwright takes you places both unexpected and emotionally real.
For THE SEARCH, I did my best to land in the memorable camp. To accomplish that, I tried to follow a simple formula. Be clear in my intent and don’t be dull.
3. When you get an idea for a play, how or when do you know the idea has legs?
If I go to sleep thinking about the show, that’s a good sign.
If I wake up thinking about the show, that’s a better sign.
If I’m 30 minutes late to work because I couldn’t drag myself out of the shower because I finally figured out how to bring the long-lost cousin back into the final scene…yeah, that’s the best.
4. Tell us about yourself.
I grew up in Delaware, did my twenties in Virginia and have lived in Baltimore since with my wife and two kids. In addition to playwriting, I’m also a fundraiser for an international humanitarian organization.kevinkostic.com
5. What are you working on now?
A one act about a guy who sells fake cancer meds. It might be a full length. We’ll see. (Beat.) Keep on rockin’ BPF!