Five Minutes with the Chair of the Baltimore Playwrights Festival: An Interview with Timoth Copney

timoth copney
  1. Five Minutes with the Playwright is a new feature for BPF playwrights. Please tell us about it. We decided to add Five Minutes with the Playwright because one of the reasons the BPF exists is to shine a light on the new works from area playwrights—all too often the playwrights themselves remain largely unknown. We’d like to honor the folks who share their visions and dreams with us and give us all a chance to learn a little about these fine writers. We have posted the Playwright Interviews on our Facebook Page  
  2. How has BPF managed the COVID pandemic’s impact?
    Like every other arts institution, our season was put on hold last year. While we accepted submissions, we were not able to offer the readings and workshops we normally would have, though we continued to read and evaluate scripts that were submitted. We pivoted from live monthly board meetings to Zoom sessions. Our plans to produce and present a full length original musical had to be postponed, but we hope to launch the project in 2022.We are continuing to assess the situation and are tentatively planning to present the roster of readings we would have done last fall, beginning mid-May. Readings for Season 41 are planned for the fall of 2021. We are nothing if not resilient!  
  3. BPF has just opened its submission period for Season 41. When does the submission period end and how can a playwright find out submission guidelines?
    The season this year began with the opening of our submission period on March 1st, which will remain open until April 30th’. Playwrights can click, HERE for submission guidelines.  
  4. What’s coming up next for The Baltimore Playwrights Festival?
    We are optimistic about being able to present readings of some of our best submissions from Season 40 in late spring. If we can do it safely, observing all social distancing and responsible practices, we’d like to be able to present at some of the readings live in an outdoor venue.  
  5. Tell us about yourself.
    I love working with our team of dedicated supporters of playwriting at the Baltimore Playwrights Festival. I’ve been in show business for more than 50 years, on both sides of the stage, and being able to help aspiring playwrights find an audience for their stories is one of my favorite positions ever. I hope I can help steer the organization on to better and bigger activities during my tenure. We need to hear the voices of the talented writers in the Baltimore area and I am happy to be a part of that.