Our Mission
Our mission is to provide an environment that nurtures the talents of Maryland and DC playwrights. The BPF does this through public readings, discussions, critiques and workshops of new plays. Our summer season is devoted to the presentation of these newly-developed works, for the entertainment and cultural edification of our audiences.
The Board of Directors of the Baltimore Playwrights Festival encourages all aspiring playwrights in the Baltimore/DC area to submit their work to us. Both individually and as an organization, we want to assure everyone that we are a body of dedicated supporters of the arts, in particular the art of playwriting. We assure our BIPOC, LBGTQ+, people of all faiths, people who are differently abled, and ANYONE who wants to be a playwright, whether it’s your first play or your fiftieth, that we are here to help you. We hope we can count on you to support us. We will do everything we can to deserve that support.
The Baltimore Playwrights Festival began in 1982 with 5 plays by local playwrights produced by three theater companies. As of this year, there have been over 2,700 original plays submitted with 314 plays by 200 playwrights produced at a wide range of venues.
We look forward to the future as we expand into new partnerships, types of productions, and performance venues.
Board Members
Chair | Vacant | chair@baltplayfest.org |
Vice Chair | Miriam Bazensky | vchair@baltplayfest.org |
Secretary/Treasurer | Kathleen Barber | treasurer@baltplayfest.org |
Librarian | Jack Gohn | librarian@baltplayfest.org |
Social Media Director | Open Position | marketing@baltplayfest.org |
Webmaster | Bill Bisbee | webmaster@baltplayfest.org |
Member-At-Large | Paris Brown | parisbrown92@gmail.com |
Member-At-Large | George Andre Tittle | atittle@gmail.com |
Member-At-Large | TaVon Vinson | tavonvinson@gmail.com |
Board Advisor | Timoth David Copney | chair@baltplayfest.org |
Board Advisor | Larry Lambert | lostlamb49@gmail.com |
1209 Southview Road
c/o BPF Chair
Baltimore, MD 21218