BPF and Dramatists Guild present an afternoon of powerful storytelling through four short plays that capture life’s defining moments.

The Baltimore Playwrights Festival, in collaboration with the Dramatists Guild Foundation Roe Green Visiting Voices Program, will present When the Moment Speaks: Four Short Plays About Pivotal Moments, a collection of short plays by Marilyn Millstone on Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 2 – 5 p.m.

Marilyn is an award-winning playwright, journalist, essayist, and teacher of playwriting, creative writing, theater appreciation, and journalism.

Two of Marilyn’s monologues were selected for Best Women’s Monologues of 2019.  She is also Winner of the AACT NewPlayFest 2020 for her full length play Proprioception.

Attendance is free but due to limited seating you must reserve a ticket.  For tickets, go to Everbrite at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/when-the-moment-speaks-four-short-plays-about-pivotal-moments-tickets-1075836549079?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join us for an afternoon of powerful storytelling through four short plays that capture life’s defining moments.

BPF’s public readings of new plays continues in early 2025.   Keep up with our latest activities by “liking” us on Facebook and adding yourself to our mailing list via our website: www.baltplayfest.org.